The popular venue in Dublin’s Temple Bar area hosted a special event called Dublin Christmas Market & Party on December 9th, 2023, featuring local vendors, live music, and delicious food and drinks. The market was open from 11 p.m. to 6 p.m. and attracted a large crowd of shoppers and revellers. There were over 20 stalls selling a variety of handmade goods, such as jewellery, candles, ceramics, knitwear, and more. The vendors were mostly women entrepreneurs, who showcased their creativity and talent.
Beautiful handmade jewellery, cosmetics, unusual prints, paintings, scented candles, dietary supplements, and many others passionately made works of art could be purchased. The event also offered free networking and health consultations. The event also featured charity events. Dorota Tonga, who lives in Malawi on a daily basis, where she helps children there with education and nutrition, and Lucy Stolarska organised a collection for a worthy cause. It is to buy Christmas dinners and gifts for 100 children. Justyna Nowak of the 87th Polish Scout Troop in Dublin wants to use the funds raised for a new scout house.
Ladies Nights Christmas Market was a success, according to the organisers and the participants. They said they were pleased with the turnout and the feedback they received. They also said they hoped to make it an annual tradition and invite more vendors and artists next year. Furthermore, they thanked everyone who came and supported the local community.
Photo © Agnieszka Dujka (Photography)