The lead-up to this week’s NATO summit in Brussels and the Geneva meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, saw the first...
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Not surprisingly, Polish government leaders this week reacted sharply to self-evidently ill-informed remarks by the former U.S. President, Barack Obama, that Poland has...
Wywiad z Hanną Dąbrowską o polskiej bibliotece „Biblary” – Polish Community Centre & Library
Polska „Biblary” – biblioteka i dom kultury – na Inchicore w Dublinie zostanie ponownie otwarta w piątek. Zapraszamy na wywiad z Hanną Dąbrowską, sekretarzem „Biblary”...
Morawiecki: ‘An Unprecedented Act of State Terrorism That Cannot Go Unpunished’
Since last August’s controversial, and widely regarded as rigged, presidential election in her eastern neighbour Belarus, Poland, along with the Baltic states, has been...
Morawiecki Launches Polski Ład Combining Public Investment With More Progressive Tax Code
The past week in Poland has brought at least some cause for modest celebration, including continued, albeit inadequate and long overdue in the view of many, steps on the...
Poland Speeds-Up Timetable for Easing Covid-19 Rules; PKN Orlen to Become Energy Conglomerate
On Wednesday, the Polish government moved to speed-up the timetable for easing Covid-19 restrictions, having previously imposed some of the most pernicious measures in...