We are calling all residents and citizens of the Republic of Ireland to write immediately to the members of the European Parliament to demand from them voting against...
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Polish News
Weekly News Update – Covid-19 ‘Surge’ Narrative; New Yorker Article on Holocaust Causes Outrage
It’s been a busy news week in Poland in the run-up to Easter with a further tightening of Covid-19 restrictions coming into effect last Saturday amid record numbers of...
It certainly wasn’t the Easter that most Poles would have hoped for with many being unable to attend religions services due to rules severely restricting numbers in...
Akcja społeczna – list do związku zawodowego nauczycieli w Irlandii TUI w sprawie masek w szkole
Dziś prosimy o dołączenie się do akcji wysyłania maili do przedstawicieli irlandzkich nauczycieli na dorocznym spotkaniu Teachers Union Ireland (TUI), które rozpoczyna...
Poland is in the midst of what is intended to be a three-week national lockdown involving the cessation of economic and social activity which the government deems ‘non...