23 February 2025
Home » Akcja społeczna – list do związku zawodowego nauczycieli w Irlandii TUI w sprawie masek w szkole

Akcja społeczna – list do związku zawodowego nauczycieli w Irlandii TUI w sprawie masek w szkole

Dziś prosimy o dołączenie się do akcji wysyłania maili do przedstawicieli irlandzkich nauczycieli na dorocznym spotkaniu Teachers Union Ireland (TUI), które rozpoczyna się dzisiaj. Zwracamy się o to w imieniu grupy rodziców zgrupowanych pod nazwa Teenheardirl (@TeenHeard on Tweeter), zaniepokojonych zmianami w szkole w tym roku, głównie dotyczącymi masek w szkołach średnich, jak również innych sugerowanymi na przyszłość dla szkól jak szczepionki czy masowe testowanie dzieci w szkołach.

Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z poniższym video z opiniami mlodzieży na temat dzisiejszej szkoły w Irlandii.


Jeśli podzielacie ten niepokój i maskowanie dzieci w szkołach lub pomysł na obowiązkowe szczepienia przeciw COVID19 w szkole nie budzą w Was entuzjazmu – prosimy, dołączcie do akcji i skorzystajcie z proponowanego e-maila poniżej. Personalne zmiany w treści e-maila mile widziane!

Wzór maila:

,scullington@asti.ie, ,communications@asti.ie, ,eileen@asti.ie, ,dcullen@asti.ie, ,gensecgalligan@asti.ie, ,jkearns@asti.ie, ,gsmith@asti.ie, ,info@asti.ie, ,president@tui.ie, ,vicepresident@tuimail.ie, ,mgillespie@tui.ie, ,adolan@tui.ie, ,dglynn@tui.ie, ,akenny@tui.ie, ,ckelly@tui.ie, ,jirwin@tui.ie, ,joreilly@tui.ie, ,jmacgabhann@tui.ie, ,slahart@tui.ie, ,dduffy@tui.ie, ,pkeating@tui.ie, ,cgriffin@tui.ie, ,tui@tui.ie, ,ahoward@tui.ie, ,info@napd.ie, ,principal@laurelhillfcj.ie, ,amongey@cbcg.ie, ,annegorby@eircom.net, ,danielhyland@stgeraldscollege.com, ,sfoley.ecc@lmetb.ie, ,rachel.oconnor@ramsgrangecommunityschool.ie, ,ericgaughran@kwetb.ie, ,regina.butler@scoilmhuirecork.ie, ,wardj@malahidecs.ie, ,concernedparentsirl@gmail.com

Subject: Covering of children’s noses and mouths, Non Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs), Antigen Testing, and Compulsory Vaccination.

Dir Sir/Maddam,

I write to you in your capacity within your representative association, to register my protest, as a concerned citizen, against school rules that require students to cover their nose and mouth, social distance, and engage in compulsive sanitisation, while on the school premises. Not to mention the prospect that students may be subjected to routine Rapid Antigen Testing, and even vaccination, as a condition of accessing education.

By accepting and enforcing these rules, I put it to you, that your association and its members are contributing to the breakdown of the physical and mental health of a whole generation of Irish children.

HIQA has confirmed that children are not significant transmitters of the virus, based on Irish data from investigations of school outbreaks collected up to December, 2020. As well as that, Freedom of Information replies (Numbers C741/20 and C589/20) from the HSE/HPSC confirm that no risk assessment whatsoever has been conducted in relation to the covering of nose and mouth, and other measures, in the secondary school population.

At the same time, this preliminary Germany-wide registry on mouth and nose covering (mask) in children (https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-124394/v1) reports alarming impairments to children by 68% of parents. These included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%), and drowsiness and fatigue (37%). See also the up-to-date report from Swiss Policy Research (https://swprs.org/face-masks-evidence/), which indicates extremely weak evidence for masks, as well as the various reports collated at Collateral Global (https://collateralglobal.org/), which indicate, among other things, the extreme consequences of lockdown policies and NPIs on the school and general population.

Additionally, and very importantly, I would like to ask if you have fully informed your

members that, because principals and teachers are responsible for enforcing these rules, they could be joined in any legal action for personal injuries taken by students who are negatively impacted by current practices, bearing in mind that the full implications of these practices may not manifest themselves for years?

Finally, I wish to reiterate my abhorrence that education professionals would accept such fundamental changes which fly in the face of the child-centred ethos we have come to expect as the norm in the Irish education system. These new and untested rules threaten to set us back decades to a time when all types of physical and psychological evils were perpetrated, with impunity, against vulnerable young people.

I look forward to your response at your earliest convenience.

Best regards,

Źródło: @TeenHeard on Tweeter

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