Weekly Round-Up of Polish News Developments A central tenet of Polish foreign policy over the past three decades has been the maintenance of the closest possible...
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Poland Extends Full Support to Belarusian Olympic Athlete Tsimanouskaya Who’s Now in Warszawa
Weekly Round-Up of Polish News Developments Poland this week has received, for once, much favourable coverage in the European and international press for the assistance...
Weekly Round-Up of Polish News Developments Given her history it should come as no surprise that Poland is a country which takes its defence and national sovereignty...
Weekly Round-Up of Polish News Developments This week Platforma Obywatelska’s great hope for a revival in its sagging political fortunes – the return to domestic...
Morawiecki Government in Formal Minority in Sejm Following Further Fragmentation on the Right
Weekly Round-Up of Polish News Developments The past week saw the Prawo i Sprawiedliwość government’s numbers in the Sejm fall just below the halfway mark following the...
The past week has seen the continuing fallout in Poland from the hacking of Chancellery Minister Michał Dworczyk’s private email account with the publication of alleged...