Following the news platform News.Ru we report: “Six people have died in trials of a vaccine developed jointly by the US company Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech, according...
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Donosimy za artykułem na platformie Nasza Polska: “Zwolnienie z kwarantanny po kontakcie z osobami zakażonymi oraz po podróży do krajów wysokiego ryzyka, a także...
Polish News Update – Covid-19, EU ‘Rule of Law’ Mechanism, and IPN Seek to Charge Serving Judge
The top Polish news stories over the past week have included not only the latest on the Covid-19 situation with the government announcing new economic stimulus measures...
Taoiseach potwierdził, że w przyszłym tygodniu rozpocznie się 3-etapowe ponowne otwarcie kraju. Następuje ono po prawie 6 tygodniach ograniczeń związanych z 5 Level...
Polish Schools to Remain Closed Until Mid-January as Limited Relaxation of Restrictions Announced
Poland has reported something of a respite in reported Covid-19 case numbers over the past week, with a marked improvement compared to earlier in November. Nevertheless...
Limerick’s Polish Arts Festival – Festiwal Sztuki Polskiej w Limerick – will be celebrated primarily online this year but the line-up looks as impressive as...