W HelloIrlandia: Na Zdrowie na antenie 103.2 Dublin City FM Katarzyna Joanna Siakasiya powróciła do tematu tłuszczy i przybliży te najzdrowsze, ich źródła w diecie i...
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Dzisiaj na tapecie: szlakiem wzdłuż klifów (CLIFF OF MOHER COASTAL WALK – WALKING TRAIL)
Tej atrakcji nie musze Wam przedstawiać, gdyż wszystkie drogi prowadzą do…klifów Moheru 🙂 Marzeniem każdego turysty jest zobaczyć te majestatyczne urwiska –...
We’re now just three days away from the second round of voting in the Presidential election, which takes place this coming Sunday. The past week has been eventful on the...
Our main story this week is of course the outcome of last Sunday’s first ballot in the Polish presidential election and where it leaves the race ahead of what will be...
These are the latest results of the first ballot in the Polish Presidential election. As had been widely anticipated beforehand incumbent Andrzej Duda and main...
With the first ballot in the Polish presidential election taking place this coming Sunday and with many Polish nationals in Ireland having already returned their postal...