11 February 2025
Home » Call for action to block the continuation of the Health Act 2020 meant to expire on 9th of Nov

Call for action to block the continuation of the Health Act 2020 meant to expire on 9th of Nov

I am calling for Hello Irlandia fans to fill in the e-mail boxes of Senators and Deputies of the Irish Parliament with emails demanding that part three of the Health Act 2020 not be extended. This part concerns, among other things, the special prerogatives of the Minister of Health, who by signing decrees acts in fact as a dictator.

A model letter created by barrister Tracey O’Mahony is listed below along with email addresses to all Irish TD’s and Senators: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UM_ZrbuJAEsbJhY-q_R9xrKKgOg_5G0n?fbclid=IwAR3A2SrWc9itZHcVgd3ZSDv-awHPKS7tHiIDABDH88eCSLzv4mrpL2R3nzw To: [INSERT DETAILS]Date: [INSERT DATE]Re: Part 3 of Health (Preservation and Protection and other Emergency Measures in the Public Interest) Act 2020 (the “Act”) Dear Sir/Madam, I refer to the above referenced Act. As you will be aware Part 3 of the Act is due to expire on the 9th day of November 2020, unless a resolution approving its continuation is passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas.I write this letter to you today to implore upon you to reject the continuation of this legislation for the following reasons. Illnesses other than Covid-19 Many vital health services such as cancer screenings have been postponed and delayed. As we know, with many cancers, the earlier they are detected the better chance of survival a person has. These delayed screenings will have a substantial effect on treatments that cancer patients can avail of, as by the time the cancer is identified it may be too late for many.Mental Health Much talk has taken place over the past several years in relation to the prevalence of mental health issues in Ireland and the fact that our health service does not have the capacity, even during normal times, to provide timely and effective treatment. It is fair to say that the legislative lockdowns that commenced on the 8th of April 2020, have wreaked havoc on the mental health of the citizens of Ireland, both young and old. We have read and heard of how suicides are increasing, people are feeling demoralized and depressed, abuse victims cannot escape their attackers and the mood of the country is at an all-time low. Further lockdowns will exacerbate this and we must start dealing with these issues now.Children and Education The growth and development of children and adolescents have been stunted and postponed due to the closure of schools for several months (with a further closure looking imminent). Every child in Ireland has the right to an education, and continuous disruptions e.g. children being sent home at the first sign of a cough or stuffy nose, will do a lot of harm to the young people of Ireland – the future generations of this country.Right to Earn a Living and SME’s Livelihoods and small and medium businesses have been decimated. The right to earn a living has been taken from a large group of Irish citizens. Many of those who survived the initial lockdown period, which ran from the 8th of April 2020, will not survive a further lockdown and this will have the inevitable consequence of forcing many families into poverty.No Debate = No Democracy Reasoned and rational debate has been non-existent, even up to the point that people are losing their jobs if they speak out or dare question the narrative. This is not what happens in a free democracy.Separation and Isolation People are separated long-term from their family members. Elderly and vulnerable people have been effectively abandoned. Doctors are speaking about how some of our elderly are saying that they would rather be dead than to be cut-off from the world and their families as they have been for the last number of months. This is not right and must not be allowed to continue. Flatten the Curve and ICU Capacity The overrising message from both the Government and the health services at the start of this pandemic was the need to ‘flatten the curve’. From a review of HSE Covid-19 Daily Operation Updates it is clear that the ‘curve’ was flattened in April, thereby providing a window of opportunity for the HSE to increase ICU bed capacity. It is shocking to learn that ICU bed capacity has barely been increased, and that both the Government and health services intend to use this same argument (i.e. lack of ICU bed capacity) to coerce the public into emotionally accepting another lockdown. As a country we cannot afford – mentally, physically, emotionally or financially – to keep locking down the country. PCR Testing The PCR tests are mainly what are driving our ‘cases’ and lockdowns. These tests were not created to be used as a diagnosis. Given the false positive rate of PCR tests, and the percentage of tests that are coming back positive, a vast majority of these positive ‘cases’ are actually false positives. Furthermore, there has been research that shows that if the cycle threshold of PCR tests exceeds 35 cycles, then less than 3% of those that come back as positive are actually infectious. It has been confirmed by the HSE that labs/tests used by Ireland are run at 40-45 cycles. I hereby call upon you to openly debate the issues discussed above with Government and implore upon you not to approve the continuation of Part 3 of the Act. Yours sincerely, ___________________________ [INSERT NAME] E-mail addresses to all TD’s and Senators:chris.andrews@oireachtas.ie, richard.boydbarrett@oireachtas.ie, mick.barry@oireachtas.ie, cathal.berry@oireachtas.ie, John.brady@oireachtas.ie, colm.brophy@oireachtas.ie, james.browne@oireachtas.ie, martin.browne@oireachtas.ie, richard.bruton@oireachtas.ie, pat.buckley@oireachtas.ie, colm.burke@oireachtas.ie, peter.burke@oireachtas.ie, mary.butler@oireachtas.ie, thomas.byrne@oireachtas.ie, jackie.cahill@oireachtas.ie, holly.cairns@oireachtas.ie, dara.calleary@oireachtas.ie, sean.canney@oireachtas.ie, ciaran.cannon@oireachtas.ie, joe.carey@oireachtas.ie, matt.carthy@oireachtas.ie, jack.chambers@oireachtas.ie, sorca.clarke@oireachtas.ie, joan.collins@oireachtas.ie, michael.collins@oireachtas.ie, niall.collins@oireachtas.ie, catherine.connolly@oireachtas.ie, rose.conwaywalsh@oireachtas.ie, patrick.costello@oireachtas.ie, simon.coveney@oireachtas.ie, barry.cowen@oireachtas.ie, michael.creed@oireachtas.ie, reada.cronin@oireachtas.ie, cathal.crowe@oireachtas.ie, sean.crowe@oireachtas.ie, david.cullinane@oireachtas.ie, pa.daly@oireachtas.ie, cormac.devlin@oireachtas.ie, alan.dillon@oireachtas.ie, pearse.doherty@oireachtas.ie, paul.donnelly@oireachtas.ie, stephen.donnelly@oireachtas.ie, paschal.donohoe@oireachtas.ie, francisnoel.duffy@oireachtas.ie, bernard.durkan@oireachtas.ie, dessie.ellis@oireachtas.ie, damien.english@oireachtas.ie, alan.farrell@oireachtas.ie, mairead.farrell@oireachtas.ie,frank.feighan@oireachtas.ie>, michael.fitzmaurice@oireachtas.ie, peterm.fitzpatrick@oireachtas.ie, joe.flaherty@oireachtas.ie, charles.flanagan@oireachtas.ie, sean.fleming@oireachtas.ie, norma.foley@oireachtas.ie, kathleen.funchion@oireachtas.ie, gary.gannon@oireachtas.ie, thomas.gould@oireachtas.ie, noel.grealish@oireachtas.ie, brendan.griffin@oireachtas.ie, johnny.guirke@oireachtas.ie, marian.harkin@oireachtas.ie, simon.harris@oireachtas.ie, sean.haughey@oireachtas.ie, danny.healy-rae@oireachtas.ie, michael.healy-rae@oireachtas.ie, martin.heydon@oireachtas.ie, emer.higgins@oireachtas.ie, neasa.hourigan@oireachtas.ie, brendan.howlin@oireachtas.ie, heather.humphreys@oireachtas.ie, paul.kehoe@oireachtas.ie, alan.kelly@oireachtas.ie, gino.kenny@oireachtas.ie, martin.kenny@oireachtas.ie, claire.kerrane@oireachtas.ie, john.lahart@oireachtas.ie, james.lawless@oireachtas.ie, brian.leddin@oireachtas.ie, padraig.maclochlainn@oireachtas.ie, michael.lowry@oireachtas.ie, jennifer.carrollmacneill@oireachtas.ie, marc.macsharry@oireachtas.ie, josepha.madigan@oireachtas.ie, catherine.martin@oireachtas.ie, micheal.martin@oireachtas.ie, steven.matthews@oireachtas.ie, paul.mcauliffe@oireachtas.ie, charlie.mcconalogue@oireachtas.ie, marylou.mcdonald@oireachtas.ie, helen.mcentee@oireachtas.ie, mattie.mcgrath@oireachtas.ie, michael.mcgrath@oireachtas.ie, john.mcguinness@oireachtas.ie, joe.mchugh@oireachtas.ie, michael.mcnamara@oireachtas.ie, denise.mitchell@oireachtas.ie, aindrias.moynihan@oireachtas.ie, michael.moynihan@oireachtas.ie, imelda.munster@oireachtas.ie, catherine.murphy@oireachtas.ie, eoghan.murphy@oireachtas.ie, paul.murphy@oireachtas.ie, verona.murphy@oireachtas.ie, johnny.mythen@oireachtas.ie, Gerald.Nash@oireachtas.ie, denis.naughten@oireachtas.ie, hildegarde.naughton@oireachtas.ie, carol.nolan@oireachtas.ie, malcolm.noonan@oireachtas.ie, eoin.obroin@oireachtas.ie, marc.ocathasaigh@oireachtas.ie, eamon.ocuiv@oireachtas.ie, sean.ofearghail@oireachtas.ie, donnchadh.olaoghaire@oireachtas.ie, ruairi.omurchu@oireachtas.ie, Aodhan.ORiordain@oireachtas.ie, aengus.osnodaigh@oireachtas.ie, darragh.obrien@oireachtas.ie, joe.obrien@oireachtas.ie, cian.ocallaghan@oireachtas.ie, jim.ocallaghan@oireachtas.ie, james.oconnor@oireachtas.ie, jennifer.murnaneoconnor@oireachtas.ie, willie.odea@oireachtas.ie, kieran.odonnell@oireachtas.ie, richard.odonoghue@oireachtas.ie, patrick.odonovan@oireachtas.ie, fergus.odowd@oireachtas.ie, roderic.ogorman@oireachtas.ie, louise.oreilly@oireachtas.ie, darren.orourke@oireachtas.ie, christopher.osullivan@oireachtas.ie, padraig.osullivan@oireachtas.ie, johnpaul.phelan@oireachtas.ie, thomas.pringle@oireachtas.ie, maurice.quinlivan@oireachtas.ie, anne.rabbitte@oireachtas.ie, neale.richmond@oireachtas.ie, michael.ring@oireachtas.ie, eamon.ryan@oireachtas.ie, patricia.ryan@oireachtas.ie, matt.shanahan@oireachtas.ie, sean.sherlock@oireachtas.ie, roisin.shortall@oireachtas.ie, brendan.smith@oireachtas.ie, brid.smith@oireachtas.ie, duncan.smith@oireachtas.ie, niamh.smyth@oireachtas.ie, ossian.smyth@oireachtas.ie, brian.stanley@oireachtas.ie, david.stanton@oireachtas.ie, peadar.toibin@oireachtas.ie, robert.troy@oireachtas.ie, pauline.tully@oireachtas.ie, leo.varadkar@oireachtas.ie, mark.ward@oireachtas.ie, jennifer.whitmore@oireachtas.ie, violet-anne.wynne@oireachtas.iegarret.ahearn@oireachtas.ie, catherine.ardagh@oireachtas.ie, ivana.bacik@oireachtas.ie, frances.black@oireachtas.ie, niall.blaney@oireachtas.ie, victor.boyhan@oireachtas.ie, lynn.boylan@oireachtas.ie, paddy.burke@oireachtas.ie, jerry.buttimer@oireachtas.ie, shane.cassells@oireachtas.ie, lisa.chambers@oireachtas.ie, martin.conway@oireachtas.ie, gerard.craughwell@oireachtas.ie, ollie.crowe@oireachtas.ie, emercurriefg@gmail.com, michael.darcy@oireachtas.ie,mark.daly@oireachtas.ie, paul.daly@oireachtas.ie, aidan.davitt@oireachtas.ie, voteaislingdolan@gmail.com, regina.doherty@oir.ie, info@maryfitzpatrick.ie, robbie.gallagher@oireachtas.ie, paul.gavan@oireachtas.ie, pippa.hackett@oireachtas.ie, alicemary.higgins@oireachtas.ie, annie.hoey@oireachtas.ie, sharon.keogan@oireachtas.ie, sean.kyne@oireachtas.ie, tim.lombard@oireachtas.ie, vincentp.martin@greenparty.ie, elisha.mccallion@oireachtas.ie, michael.mcdowell@oireachtas.ie, john.mcgahon@oireachtas.ie, info@erinmcgreehan.com, rebecca.moynihan@oireachtas.ie, ronan.mullen@oireachtas.ie, eugene.murphy@oireachtas.ie, david.norris@oireachtas.ie, denis.odonovan@oireachtas.ie, fiona.oloughlin@oireachtas.ie, joe.oreilly@oireachtas.ie, pauline.oreilly@oireachtas.ie, ned.osullivan@oireachtas.ie, lynn.ruane@oireachtas.ie, ynn.ruane@oireachtas.ie, mseerykearney@cllrs.sdublincoco.ie, marie.sherlock@oireachtas.ie, mark.wall@oireachtas.ie, barry.ward@oireachtas.ie, fintan.warfield@oireachtas.ie, diarmuid.wilson@oireachtas.ie, niall.odonnghaile@oireachtas.ie

Source: Tracey O Mahony

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